
< cpp‎ | container‎ | mdspan
Defined in header <mdspan>
struct layout_left;
(since C++23)

layout_left is a LayoutMappingPolicy which provides a layout mapping where the leftmost extent has stride 1, and strides increase left-to-right as the product of extents.

layout_left is a TrivialType.

(until C++26)

layout_left is TriviallyCopyable, and std::is_trivially_default_constructible_v<layout_left> is true.

(since C++26)

Nested class templates

a layout mapping of layout_left
(public member class template)

See also

column-major layout mapping policy with padding stride that can be greater than or equal to the leftmost extent
(class template)
row-major multidimensional array layout mapping policy; rightmost extent has stride 1
a layout mapping policy with user-defined strides