
< cpp‎ | locale
Defined in header <locale>
template< class CharT, bool Intl = false >
class moneypunct_byname : public std::moneypunct<CharT, Intl>;

std::moneypunct_byname is a std::moneypunct facet which encapsulates monetary formatting preferences of a locale specified at its construction.


The standard library is guaranteed to provide every specialization that satisfies the following type requirements:

  • CharT is one of char and wchar_t, and
  • Intl is a possible specialization on a bool parameter.

Nested types

Type Definition
pattern std::money_base::pattern
string_type std::basic_string<CharT>

Member functions

constructs a new moneypunct_byname facet
(public member function)
destroys a moneypunct_byname facet
(protected member function)


explicit moneypunct_byname( const char* name, std::size_t refs = 0 );
explicit moneypunct_byname( const std::string& name, std::size_t refs = 0 );
(since C++11)

Constructs a new std::moneypunct_byname facet for a locale with name.

refs is used for resource management: if refs == 0, the implementation destroys the facet, when the last std::locale object holding it is destroyed. Otherwise, the object is not destroyed.


name - the name of the locale
refs - the number of references that link to the facet



Destroys the facet.

Inherited from std::moneypunct

Nested types

Type Definition
char_type CharT
string_type std::basic_string<CharT>

Data members

Member Description
std::locale::id id [static] the identifier of the facet
const bool intl [static] International

Member functions

invokes do_decimal_point
(public member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International>)
invokes do_thousands_sep
(public member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International>)
invokes do_grouping
(public member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International>)
invokes do_curr_symbol
(public member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International>)
invokes do_positive_sign or do_negative_sign
(public member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International>)
invokes do_frac_digits
(public member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International>)
invokes do_pos_format/do_neg_format
(public member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International>)

Protected member functions

provides the character to use as decimal point
(virtual protected member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International>)
provides the character to use as thousands separator
(virtual protected member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International>)
provides the numbers of digits between each pair of thousands separators
(virtual protected member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International>)
provides the string to use as the currency identifier
(virtual protected member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International>)
provides the string to indicate a positive or negative value
(virtual protected member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International>)
provides the number of digits to display after the decimal point
(virtual protected member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International>)
provides the formatting pattern for currency values
(virtual protected member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International>)

Inherited from std::money_base

Nested types

Type Definition
enum part { none, space, symbol, sign, value }; unscoped enumeration type
struct pattern { char field[4]; }; the monetary format type
Enumeration constant Description
none whitespace is permitted but not required except in the last position, where whitespace is not permitted
space one or more whitespace characters are required
symbol the sequence of characters returned by std::moneypunct::curr_symbol is required
sign the first of the characters returned by std::moneypunct::positive_sign or std::moneypunct::negative_sign is required
value the absolute numeric monetary value is required


This example demonstrates how to apply monetary formatting rules of another language without changing the rest of the locale.

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <locale>
int main()
    long double mon = 1234567;
    std::wcout << L"american locale: " << std::showbase
               << std::put_money(mon) << '\n';
                                 new std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t>("ru_RU.utf8")));
    std::wcout << L"american locale with russian moneypunct: "
               << std::put_money(mon) << '\n';


american locale: $12,345.67
american locale with russian moneypunct: 12 345.67 руб

See also

defines monetary formatting parameters used by std::money_get and std::money_put
(class template)