Defined in header <locale>
template< class CharT, bool Intl = false > class moneypunct_byname : public std::moneypunct<CharT, Intl>; |
is a std::moneypunct facet which encapsulates monetary formatting preferences of a locale specified at its construction.
The standard library is guaranteed to provide every specialization that satisfies the following type requirements:
is one of char and wchar_t, and -
is a possible specialization on a bool parameter.
Nested types
Type | Definition |
std::money_base::pattern |
std::basic_string<CharT> |
Member functions
(constructor) |
constructs a new moneypunct_byname facet (public member function) |
(destructor) |
destroys a moneypunct_byname facet (protected member function) |
explicit moneypunct_byname( const char* name, std::size_t refs = 0 ); |
explicit moneypunct_byname( const std::string& name, std::size_t refs = 0 ); |
(since C++11) | |
Constructs a new std::moneypunct_byname
facet for a locale with name.
refs is used for resource management: if refs == 0, the implementation destroys the facet, when the last std::locale object holding it is destroyed. Otherwise, the object is not destroyed.
name | - | the name of the locale |
refs | - | the number of references that link to the facet |
protected: ~moneypunct_byname(); |
Destroys the facet.
Inherited from std::moneypunct
Nested types
Type | Definition |
std::basic_string<CharT> |
Data members
Member | Description |
std::locale::id id [static]
the identifier of the facet |
const bool intl [static]
International |
Member functions
invokes do_decimal_point (public member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International> ) | |
invokes do_thousands_sep (public member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International> ) | |
invokes do_grouping (public member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International> ) | |
invokes do_curr_symbol (public member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International> ) | |
invokes do_positive_sign or do_negative_sign (public member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International> ) | |
invokes do_frac_digits (public member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International> ) | |
invokes do_pos_format /do_neg_format (public member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International> ) |
Protected member functions
[virtual] |
provides the character to use as decimal point (virtual protected member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International> ) |
[virtual] |
provides the character to use as thousands separator (virtual protected member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International> ) |
[virtual] |
provides the numbers of digits between each pair of thousands separators (virtual protected member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International> ) |
[virtual] |
provides the string to use as the currency identifier (virtual protected member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International> ) |
[virtual] |
provides the string to indicate a positive or negative value (virtual protected member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International> ) |
[virtual] |
provides the number of digits to display after the decimal point (virtual protected member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International> ) |
[virtual] |
provides the formatting pattern for currency values (virtual protected member function of std::moneypunct<CharT,International> ) |
Inherited from std::money_base
Nested types
Type | Definition |
enum part { none, space, symbol, sign, value }; | unscoped enumeration type |
struct pattern { char field[4]; }; | the monetary format type |
Enumeration constant | Description |
whitespace is permitted but not required except in the last position, where whitespace is not permitted |
one or more whitespace characters are required |
the sequence of characters returned by std::moneypunct::curr_symbol is required |
the first of the characters returned by std::moneypunct::positive_sign or std::moneypunct::negative_sign is required |
the absolute numeric monetary value is required |
This example demonstrates how to apply monetary formatting rules of another language without changing the rest of the locale.
Run this code
#include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include <locale> int main() { long double mon = 1234567; std::locale::global(std::locale("en_US.utf8")); std::wcout.imbue(std::locale()); std::wcout << L"american locale: " << std::showbase << std::put_money(mon) << '\n'; std::wcout.imbue(std::locale(std::wcout.getloc(), new std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t>("ru_RU.utf8"))); std::wcout << L"american locale with russian moneypunct: " << std::put_money(mon) << '\n'; }
american locale: $12,345.67 american locale with russian moneypunct: 12 345.67 руб
See also
defines monetary formatting parameters used by std::money_get and std::money_put (class template) |