
< cpp‎ | memory
Memory management library
(exposition only*)
Uninitialized memory algorithms
Constrained uninitialized
memory algorithms
C Library

Memory resources
Garbage collection support
(C++11)(until C++23)
(C++11)(until C++23)
(C++11)(until C++23)
(C++11)(until C++23)
(C++11)(until C++23)
(C++11)(until C++23)
Uninitialized storage
(until C++20*)
(until C++20*)
Explicit lifetime management
Defined in header <memory>
template< class T, class Alloc, class... Args >

constexpr T* uninitialized_construct_using_allocator( T* p,
                                                      const Alloc& alloc,

                                                      Args&&... args );
(since C++20)

Creates an object of the given type T by means of uses-allocator construction at the uninitialized memory location indicated by p.

Equivalent to

return std::apply(
    [&]<class... Xs>(Xs&&...xs)
        return std::construct_at(p, std::forward<Xs>(xs)...);
    std::uses_allocator_construction_args<T>(alloc, std::forward<Args>(args)...));


p - the memory location where the object will be placed
alloc - the allocator to use
args - the arguments to pass to T's constructor

Return value

Pointer to the newly-created object of type T.


May throw any exception thrown by the constructor of T, typically including std::bad_alloc.


See also

checks if the specified type supports uses-allocator construction
(class template)
creates an object of the given type by means of uses-allocator construction
(function template)