C++ named requirements: BasicLockable (since C++11)

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C++ named requirements

The BasicLockable requirements describe the minimal characteristics of types that provide exclusive blocking semantics for execution agents (i.e. threads).


For type L to be BasicLockable, the following conditions have to be satisfied for an object m of type L:

Expression Preconditions Effects
m.lock() Blocks until a lock can be acquired for the current execution agent (thread, process, task). If an exception is thrown, no lock is acquired.
m.unlock() The current execution agent holds a non-shared lock on m. Releases the non-shared lock held by the execution agent.

Throws no exceptions.

Non-shared locks

A lock on an object is said to be non-shared lock if it is acquired by a call to lock, try_lock, try_lock_for, or try_lock_until member function.

Standard library

The following standard library types satisfy BasicLockable requirements:

provides basic mutual exclusion facility
provides mutual exclusion facility which can be locked recursively by the same thread
provides mutual exclusion facility which can be locked recursively
by the same thread and implements locking with a timeout
provides shared mutual exclusion facility
provides shared mutual exclusion facility and implements locking with a timeout
provides mutual exclusion facility which implements locking with a timeout

See also