
< cpp‎ | utility
Defined in header <utility>
template< class T >
typename std::add_rvalue_reference<T>::type declval() noexcept;
(since C++11)
(until C++14)
template< class T >
std::add_rvalue_reference_t<T> declval() noexcept;
(since C++14)

Helper template for writing expressions that appear in unevaluated contexts, typically the operand of decltype. In unevaluated context, this helper template converts any type T (which may be an incomplete type) to an expression of that type, making it possible to use member functions of T without the need to go through constructors.

std::declval can only be used in unevaluated contexts and is not required to be defined; it is an error to evaluate an expression that contains this function. Formally, the program is ill-formed if this function is odr-used.



Return value

Cannot be evaluated and thus never returns a value. The return type is T&& (reference collapsing rules apply) unless T is (possibly cv-qualified) void, in which case the return type is T.


std::declval is commonly used in templates where acceptable template parameters may have no constructor in common, but have the same member function whose return type is needed.

Possible implementation

template<typename T>
typename std::add_rvalue_reference<T>::type declval() noexcept
    static_assert(false, "declval not allowed in an evaluated context");


#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
struct Default
    int foo() const { return 1; }
struct NonDefault
    NonDefault() = delete;
    int foo() const { return 1; }
int main()
    decltype(Default().foo())               n1 = 1;     // type of n1 is int
    decltype(std::declval<Default>().foo()) n2 = 1;     // same
//  decltype(NonDefault().foo())               n3 = n1; // error: no default constructor
    decltype(std::declval<NonDefault>().foo()) n3 = n1; // type of n3 is int
    std::cout << "n1 = " << n1 << '\n'
              << "n2 = " << n2 << '\n'
              << "n3 = " << n3 << '\n';


n1 = 1
n2 = 1
n3 = 1

See also

decltype specifier(C++11) obtains the type of an expression or an entity
(C++11)(removed in C++20)(C++17)
deduces the result type of invoking a callable object with a set of arguments
(class template)