
< cpp‎ | container‎ | mdspan‎ | layout stride‎ | mapping
constexpr index_type required_span_size() const noexcept;
(since C++23)

Returns the required size of the mapping.

Let s be equal to:

  • 1, if extents().rank() == 0 is true,
  • otherwise, 0, if the size of the multidimensional index space extents() is 0,
  • otherwise, 1 plus the sum of products of extents().extent(r) - 1 and extents_type::index-cast(strides_[r]) for all r in the range [0extents().rank()).

A call is equivalent to return s;.

Return value

The required size of the mapping.


See also

returns the required size of the mapping
(public member function of std::layout_left::mapping<Extents>)
returns the required size of the mapping
(public member function of std::layout_right::mapping<Extents>)
returns the size of the multidimensional index space
(public member function of std::mdspan<T,Extents,LayoutPolicy,AccessorPolicy>)