Standard library header <cmath>

< cpp‎ | header
Standard library headers
<cuchar> (C++11)
<string_view> (C++17)
Text processing
<codecvt> (C++11/17/26*)
<regex> (C++11)
<text_encoding> (C++26)   
<cfenv> (C++11)
<linalg> (C++26)
<numbers> (C++20)
<random> (C++11)
<simd> (C++26)
<chrono> (C++11)
C compatibility
<ccomplex> (C++11/17/20*)
<ciso646> (until C++20)
<cstdalign> (C++11/17/20*)
<cstdbool> (C++11/17/20*)
<ctgmath> (C++11/17/20*)

This header was originally in the C standard library as <math.h>.

This header is part of the numeric library.


most efficient floating-point type at least as wide as float
most efficient floating-point type at least as wide as double


indicates the overflow value for float, double and long double respectively
(macro constant)
evaluates to positive infinity or the value guaranteed to overflow a float
(macro constant)
evaluates to a quiet NaN of type float
(macro constant)
defines the error handling mechanism used by the common mathematical functions
(macro constant)
indicates a floating-point category
(macro constant)


Basic operations
absolute value of a floating point value (|x|)
remainder of the floating point division operation
signed remainder of the division operation
signed remainder as well as the three last bits of the division operation
fused multiply-add operation
larger of two floating-point values
smaller of two floating point values
positive difference of two floating point values (max(0, x-y))
not-a-number (NaN)
Linear interpolation
linear interpolation function
Exponential functions
returns e raised to the given power (ex)
returns 2 raised to the given power (2x)
returns e raised to the given power, minus 1 (ex-1)
computes natural (base e) logarithm (ln(x))
computes common (base 10) logarithm (log10(x))
base 2 logarithm of the given number (log2(x))
natural logarithm (to base e) of 1 plus the given number (ln(1+x))
Power functions
raises a number to the given power (xy)
computes square root (x)
computes cube root (3x)
computes hypotenuse x2
and x2
(since C++17)

Trigonometric functions
computes sine (sin(x))
computes cosine (cos(x))
computes tangent (tan(x))
computes arc sine (arcsin(x))
computes arc cosine (arccos(x))
computes arc tangent (arctan(x))
arc tangent, using signs to determine quadrants
Hyperbolic functions
computes hyperbolic sine (sinh(x))
computes hyperbolic cosine (cosh(x))
computes hyperbolic tangent (tanh(x))
computes the inverse hyperbolic sine (arsinh(x))
computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine (arcosh(x))
computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent (artanh(x))
Error and gamma functions
error function
complementary error function
gamma function
natural logarithm of the gamma function
Nearest integer floating-point operations
nearest integer not less than the given value
nearest integer not greater than the given value
nearest integer not greater in magnitude than the given value
nearest integer, rounding away from zero in halfway cases
nearest integer using current rounding mode
nearest integer using current rounding mode with
exception if the result differs
Floating-point manipulation functions
decomposes a number into significand and base-2 exponent
multiplies a number by 2 raised to an integral power
decomposes a number into integer and fractional parts
multiplies a number by FLT_RADIX raised to a power
extracts exponent of the number
extracts exponent of the number
next representable floating-point value towards the given value
copies the sign of a floating point value
Classification and comparison
categorizes the given floating-point value
checks if the given number has finite value
checks if the given number is infinite
checks if the given number is NaN
checks if the given number is normal
checks if the given number is negative
checks if the first floating-point argument is greater than the second
checks if the first floating-point argument is greater or equal than the second
checks if the first floating-point argument is less than the second
checks if the first floating-point argument is less or equal than the second
checks if the first floating-point argument is less or greater than the second
checks if two floating-point values are unordered
Mathematical special functions
associated Laguerre polynomials
associated Legendre polynomials
beta function
(complete) elliptic integral of the first kind
(complete) elliptic integral of the second kind
(complete) elliptic integral of the third kind
regular modified cylindrical Bessel functions
cylindrical Bessel functions (of the first kind)
irregular modified cylindrical Bessel functions
cylindrical Neumann functions
(incomplete) elliptic integral of the first kind
(incomplete) elliptic integral of the second kind
(incomplete) elliptic integral of the third kind
exponential integral
Hermite polynomials
Legendre polynomials
Laguerre polynomials
Riemann zeta function
spherical Bessel functions (of the first kind)
spherical associated Legendre functions
spherical Neumann functions


For each function with at least one parameter of type /* floating-point-type */, an overload for each cv-unqualified floating-point type is provided where all uses of /* floating-point-type */ in the function signature are replaced with that floating-point type.

For each function with at least one parameter of type /* floating-point-type */ other than std::abs, additional overloads are provided to ensure that, if every argument corresponding to a /* floating-point-type */ parameter has arithmetic type, then every such argument is effectively cast to the floating-point type with the greatest floating-point conversion rank and greatest floating-point conversion subrank among the types of all such arguments, where arguments of integer type are considered to have the same floating-point conversion rank as double. If no such floating-point type with the greatest rank and subrank exists, then overload resolution does not result in a usable candidate from the provided overloads.

namespace std {
  using float_t = /* see description */;
  using double_t = /* see description */;
#define HUGE_VAL /* see description */
#define HUGE_VALF /* see description */
#define HUGE_VALL /* see description */
#define INFINITY /* see description */
#define NAN /* see description */
#define FP_INFINITE /* see description */
#define FP_NAN /* see description */
#define FP_NORMAL /* see description */
#define FP_SUBNORMAL /* see description */
#define FP_ZERO /* see description */
#define FP_FAST_FMA /* see description */
#define FP_FAST_FMAF /* see description */
#define FP_FAST_FMAL /* see description */
#define FP_ILOGB0 /* see description */
#define FP_ILOGBNAN /* see description */
#define MATH_ERRNO /* see description */
#define MATH_ERREXCEPT /* see description */
#define math_errhandling /* see description */
namespace std {
  /* floating-point-type */ acos(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float acosf(float x);
  long double acosl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ asin(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float asinf(float x);
  long double asinl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ atan(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float atanf(float x);
  long double atanl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ atan2(/* floating-point-type */ y,
                                  /* floating-point-type */ x);
  float atan2f(float y, float x);
  long double atan2l(long double y, long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ cos(/* floating-point-type */e x);
  float cosf(float x);
  long double cosl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ sin(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float sinf(float x);
  long double sinl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ tan(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float tanf(float x);
  long double tanl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ acosh(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float acoshf(float x);
  long double acoshl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ asinh(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float asinhf(float x);
  long double asinhl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ atanh(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float atanhf(float x);
  long double atanhl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ cosh(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float coshf(float x);
  long double coshl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ sinh(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float sinhf(float x);
  long double sinhl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ tanh(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float tanhf(float x);
  long double tanhl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ exp(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float expf(float x);
  long double expl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ exp2(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float exp2f(float x);
  long double exp2l(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ expm1(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float expm1f(float x);
  long double expm1l(long double x);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ frexp(/* floating-point-type */ value, int* exp);
  constexpr float frexpf(float value, int* exp);
  constexpr long double frexpl(long double value, int* exp);
  constexpr int ilogb(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  constexpr int ilogbf(float x);
  constexpr int ilogbl(long double x);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ ldexp(/* floating-point-type */ x, int exp);
  constexpr float ldexpf(float x, int exp);
  constexpr long double ldexpl(long double x, int exp);
  /* floating-point-type */ log(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float logf(float x);
  long double logl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ log10(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float log10f(float x);
  long double log10l(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ log1p(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float log1pf(float x);
  long double log1pl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ log2(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float log2f(float x);
  long double log2l(long double x);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ logb(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  constexpr float logbf(float x);
  constexpr long double logbl(long double x);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ modf(/* floating-point-type */ value,
                                           /* floating-point-type */* iptr);
  constexpr float modff(float value, float* iptr);
  constexpr long double modfl(long double value, long double* iptr);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ scalbn(/* floating-point-type */ x, int n);
  constexpr float scalbnf(float x, int n);
  constexpr long double scalbnl(long double x, int n);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ scalbln(/* floating-point-type */ x, long int n);
  constexpr float scalblnf(float x, long int n);
  constexpr long double scalblnl(long double x, long int n);
  /* floating-point-type */ cbrt(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float cbrtf(float x);
  long double cbrtl(long double x);
  // absolute values
  constexpr int abs(int j);                     // freestanding
  constexpr long int abs(long int j);           // freestanding
  constexpr long long int abs(long long int j); // freestanding
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */
    abs(/* floating-point-type */ j);           // freestanding-deleted
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ fabs(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  constexpr float fabsf(float x);
  constexpr long double fabsl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ hypot(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                                  /* floating-point-type */ y);
  float hypotf(float x, float y);
  long double hypotl(long double x, long double y);
  // three-dimensional hypotenuse
  float hypot(/* floating-point-type */ x,
              /* floating-point-type */ y,
              /* floating-point-type */ z);
  /* floating-point-type */ pow(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                                /* floating-point-type */ y);
  float powf(float x, float y);
  long double powl(long double x, long double y);
  /* floating-point-type */ sqrt(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float sqrtf(float x);
  long double sqrtl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ erf(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float erff(float x);
  long double erfl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ erfc(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float erfcf(float x);
  long double erfcl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ lgamma(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float lgammaf(float x);
  long double lgammal(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ tgamma(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float tgammaf(float x);
  long double tgammal(long double x);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ ceil(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  constexpr float ceilf(float x);
  constexpr long double ceill(long double x);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ floor(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  constexpr float floorf(float x);
  constexpr long double floorl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ nearbyint(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float nearbyintf(float x);
  long double nearbyintl(long double x);
  /* floating-point-type */ rint(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float rintf(float x);
  long double rintl(long double x);
  long int lrint(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  long int lrintf(float x);
  long int lrintl(long double x);
  long long int llrint(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  long long int llrintf(float x);
  long long int llrintl(long double x);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ round(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  constexpr float roundf(float x);
  constexpr long double roundl(long double x);
  constexpr long int lround(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  constexpr long int lroundf(float x);
  constexpr long int lroundl(long double x);
  constexpr long long int llround(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  constexpr long long int llroundf(float x);
  constexpr long long int llroundl(long double x);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ trunc(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  constexpr float truncf(float x);
  constexpr long double truncl(long double x);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ fmod(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                                           /* floating-point-type */ y);
  constexpr float fmodf(float x, float y);
  constexpr long double fmodl(long double x, long double y);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ remainder(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                                                /* floating-point-type */ y);
  constexpr float remainderf(float x, float y);
  constexpr long double remainderl(long double x, long double y);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ remquo(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                                             /* floating-point-type */ y, int* quo);
  constexpr float remquof(float x, float y, int* quo);
  constexpr long double remquol(long double x, long double y, int* quo);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ copysign(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                                               /* floating-point-type */ y);
  constexpr float copysignf(float x, float y);
  constexpr long double copysignl(long double x, long double y);
  double nan(const char* tagp);
  float nanf(const char* tagp);
  long double nanl(const char* tagp);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ nextafter(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                                                /* floating-point-type */ y);
  constexpr float nextafterf(float x, float y);
  constexpr long double nextafterl(long double x, long double y);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ nexttoward(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                                                 long double y);
  constexpr float nexttowardf(float x, long double y);
  constexpr long double nexttowardl(long double x, long double y);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ fdim(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                                           /* floating-point-type */ y);
  constexpr float fdimf(float x, float y);
  constexpr long double fdiml(long double x, long double y);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ fmax(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                                           /* floating-point-type */ y);
  constexpr float fmaxf(float x, float y);
  constexpr long double fmaxl(long double x, long double y);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ fmin(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                                           /* floating-point-type */ y);
  constexpr float fminf(float x, float y);
  constexpr long double fminl(long double x, long double y);
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ fma(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                                          /* floating-point-type */ y,
                                          /* floating-point-type */ z);
  constexpr float fmaf(float x, float y, float z);
  constexpr long double fmal(long double x, long double y, long double z);
  // linear interpolation
  constexpr /* floating-point-type */ lerp(/* floating-point-type */ a,
                                           /* floating-point-type */ b,
                                           /* floating-point-type */ t) noexcept;
  // classification / comparison functions
  constexpr int fpclassify(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  constexpr bool isfinite(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  constexpr bool isinf(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  constexpr bool isnan(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  constexpr bool isnormal(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  constexpr bool signbit(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  constexpr bool isgreater(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                           /* floating-point-type */ y);
  constexpr bool isgreaterequal(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                                /* floating-point-type */ y);
  constexpr bool isless(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                        /* floating-point-type */ y);
  constexpr bool islessequal(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                             /* floating-point-type */ y);
  constexpr bool islessgreater(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                               /* floating-point-type */ y);
  constexpr bool isunordered(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                             /* floating-point-type */ y);
  // mathematical special functions
  // associated Laguerre polynomials
  /* floating-point-type */ assoc_laguerre(unsigned n, unsigned m,
                                           /* floating-point-type */ x);
  float assoc_laguerref(unsigned n, unsigned m, float x);
  long double assoc_laguerrel(unsigned n, unsigned m, long double x);
  // associated Legendre functions
  /* floating-point-type */ assoc_legendre(unsigned l, unsigned m,
                                           /* floating-point-type */ x);
  float assoc_legendref(unsigned l, unsigned m, float x);
  long double assoc_legendrel(unsigned l, unsigned m, long double x);
  // beta function
  /* floating-point-type */ beta(/* floating-point-type */ x,
                                 /* floating-point-type */ y);
  float betaf(float x, float y);
  long double betal(long double x, long double y);
  // complete elliptic integral of the first kind
  /* floating-point-type */ comp_ellint_1(/* floating-point-type */ k);
  float comp_ellint_1f(float k);
  long double comp_ellint_1l(long double k);
  // complete elliptic integral of the second kind
  /* floating-point-type */ comp_ellint_2(/* floating-point-type */ k);
  float comp_ellint_2f(float k);
  long double comp_ellint_2l(long double k);
  // complete elliptic integral of the third kind
  /* floating-point-type */ comp_ellint_3(/* floating-point-type */ k,
                                          /* floating-point-type */ nu);
  float comp_ellint_3f(float k, float nu);
  long double comp_ellint_3l(long double k, long double nu);
  // regular modified cylindrical Bessel functions
  /* floating-point-type */ cyl_bessel_i(/* floating-point-type */ nu,
                                         /* floating-point-type */ x);
  float cyl_bessel_if(float nu, float x);
  long double cyl_bessel_il(long double nu, long double x);
  // cylindrical Bessel functions of the first kind
  /* floating-point-type */ cyl_bessel_j(/* floating-point-type */ nu,
                                         /* floating-point-type */ x);
  float cyl_bessel_jf(float nu, float x);
  long double cyl_bessel_jl(long double nu, long double x);
  // irregular modified cylindrical Bessel functions
  /* floating-point-type */ cyl_bessel_k(/* floating-point-type */ nu,
                                         /* floating-point-type */ x);
  float cyl_bessel_kf(float nu, float x);
  long double cyl_bessel_kl(long double nu, long double x);
  // cylindrical Neumann functions;
  // cylindrical Bessel functions of the second kind
  /* floating-point-type */ cyl_neumann(/* floating-point-type */ nu,
                                        /* floating-point-type */ x);
  float cyl_neumannf(float nu, float x);
  long double cyl_neumannl(long double nu, long double x);
  // incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind
  /* floating-point-type */ ellint_1(/* floating-point-type */ k,
                                     /* floating-point-type */ phi);
  float ellint_1f(float k, float phi);
  long double ellint_1l(long double k, long double phi);
  // incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind
  /* floating-point-type */ ellint_2(/* floating-point-type */ k,
                                     /* floating-point-type */ phi);
  float ellint_2f(float k, float phi);
  long double ellint_2l(long double k, long double phi);
  // incomplete elliptic integral of the third kind
  /* floating-point-type */ ellint_3(/* floating-point-type */ k,
                                     /* floating-point-type */ nu,
                                     /* floating-point-type */ phi);
  float ellint_3f(float k, float nu, float phi);
  long double ellint_3l(long double k, long double nu, long double phi);
  // exponential integral
  /* floating-point-type */ expint(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float expintf(float x);
  long double expintl(long double x);
  // Hermite polynomials
  /* floating-point-type */ hermite(unsigned n, /* floating-point-type */ x);
  float hermitef(unsigned n, float x);
  long double hermitel(unsigned n, long double x);
  // Laguerre polynomials
  /* floating-point-type */ laguerre(unsigned n, /* floating-point-type */ x);
  float laguerref(unsigned n, float x);
  long double laguerrel(unsigned n, long double x);
  // Legendre polynomials
  /* floating-point-type */ legendre(unsigned l, /* floating-point-type */ x);
  float legendref(unsigned l, float x);
  long double legendrel(unsigned l, long double x);
  // Riemann zeta function
  /* floating-point-type */ riemann_zeta(/* floating-point-type */ x);
  float riemann_zetaf(float x);
  long double riemann_zetal(long double x);
  // spherical Bessel functions of the first kind
  /* floating-point-type */ sph_bessel(unsigned n, /* floating-point-type */ x);
  float sph_besself(unsigned n, float x);
  long double sph_bessell(unsigned n, long double x);
  // spherical associated Legendre functions
  /* floating-point-type */ sph_legendre(unsigned l, unsigned m,
                                         /* floating-point-type */ theta);
  float sph_legendref(unsigned l, unsigned m, float theta);
  long double  sph_legendrel(unsigned l, unsigned m, long double theta);
  // spherical Neumann functions;
  // spherical Bessel functions of the second kind
  /* floating-point-type */ sph_neumann(unsigned n, /* floating-point-type */ x);
  float sph_neumannf(unsigned n, float x);
  long double sph_neumannl(unsigned n, long double x);