Standard library header <format> (C++20)
This header is part of the text processing library.
Concepts | |
(C++23) |
specifies that a type is formattable, that is, it specializes std::formatter and provides member functions parse and format (concept) |
Enumerations | |
(C++23) |
specifies how a range should be formatted (enum) |
Classes | |
(C++20) |
defines formatting rules for a given type (class template) |
(C++23) |
class template that helps implementing std::formatter specializations for range types (class template) |
(C++20)(C++20)(C++20) |
formatting string parser state (class template) |
(C++20)(C++20)(C++20) |
formatting state, including all formatting arguments and the output iterator (class template) |
(C++20) |
class template that provides access to a formatting argument for user-defined formatters (class template) |
(C++20)(C++20)(C++20) |
class that provides access to all formatting arguments (class template) |
(C++20)(C++20)(C++20) |
class template that performs compile-time format string checks at construction time (class template) |
(C++20) |
exception type thrown on formatting errors (class) |
Formatter specializations | |
formatting support for pair and tuple (class template specialization) | |
(C++23) |
formatting support for ranges (class template specialization) |
Functions | |
(C++20) |
stores formatted representation of the arguments in a new string (function template) |
(C++20) |
writes out formatted representation of its arguments through an output iterator (function template) |
(C++20) |
writes out formatted representation of its arguments through an output iterator, not exceeding specified size (function template) |
(C++20) |
determines the number of characters necessary to store the formatted representation of its arguments (function template) |
(C++26) |
creates runtime format strings directly usable in user-oriented formatting functions (function) |
(C++20) |
non-template variant of std::format using type-erased argument representation (function) |
(C++20) |
non-template variant of std::format_to using type-erased argument representation (function template) |
(C++20) (deprecated in C++26) |
argument visitation interface for user-defined formatters (function template) |
(C++20)(C++20) |
creates a type-erased object referencing all formatting arguments, convertible to format_args (function template) |
Helpers | |
(C++23) |
selects a suited std::range_format for a range (variable template) |
indicates the argument type can be efficiently printed (variable template) |
namespace std { // class template basic_format_context template<class Out, class CharT> class basic_format_context; using format_context = basic_format_context</* unspecified */, char>; using wformat_context = basic_format_context</* unspecified */, wchar_t>; // class template basic_format_args template<class Context> class basic_format_args; using format_args = basic_format_args<format_context>; using wformat_args = basic_format_args<wformat_context>; // class template basic_format_string template<class CharT, class... Args> struct basic_format_string; template<class... Args> using format_string = basic_format_string<char, type_identity_t<Args>...>; template<class... Args> using wformat_string = basic_format_string<wchar_t, type_identity_t<Args>...>; // formatting functions template<class... Args> string format(format_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args); template<class... Args> wstring format(wformat_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args); template<class... Args> string format(const locale& loc, format_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args); template<class... Args> wstring format(const locale& loc, wformat_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args); string vformat(string_view fmt, format_args args); wstring vformat(wstring_view fmt, wformat_args args); string vformat(const locale& loc, string_view fmt, format_args args); wstring vformat(const locale& loc, wstring_view fmt, wformat_args args); template<class Out, class... Args> Out format_to(Out out, format_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args); template<class Out, class... Args> Out format_to(Out out, wformat_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args); template<class Out, class... Args> Out format_to(Out out, const locale& loc, format_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args); template<class Out, class... Args> Out format_to(Out out, const locale& loc, wformat_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args); template<class Out> Out vformat_to(Out out, string_view fmt, format_args args); template<class Out> Out vformat_to(Out out, wstring_view fmt, wformat_args args); template<class Out> Out vformat_to(Out out, const locale& loc, string_view fmt, format_args args); template<class Out> Out vformat_to(Out out, const locale& loc, wstring_view fmt, wformat_args args); template<class Out> struct format_to_n_result { Out out; iter_difference_t<Out> size; }; template<class Out, class... Args> format_to_n_result<Out> format_to_n(Out out, iter_difference_t<Out> n, format_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args); template<class Out, class... Args> format_to_n_result<Out> format_to_n(Out out, iter_difference_t<Out> n, wformat_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args); template<class Out, class... Args> format_to_n_result<Out> format_to_n(Out out, iter_difference_t<Out> n, const locale& loc, format_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args); template<class Out, class... Args> format_to_n_result<Out> format_to_n(Out out, iter_difference_t<Out> n, const locale& loc, wformat_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args); template<class... Args> size_t formatted_size(format_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args); template<class... Args> size_t formatted_size(wformat_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args); template<class... Args> size_t formatted_size(const locale& loc, format_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args); template<class... Args> size_t formatted_size(const locale& loc, wformat_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args); // formatter template<class T, class CharT = char> struct formatter; // variable template enable_nonlocking_formatter_optimization template<class T> constexpr bool enable_nonlocking_formatter_optimization = false; // concept formattable template<class T, class CharT> concept formattable = /* see description */; template<class R, class CharT> concept __const_formattable_range = // exposition only ranges::input_range<const R> && formattable<ranges::range_reference_t<const R>, CharT>; template<class R, class CharT> using __fmt_maybe_const = // exposition only conditional_t<__const_formattable_range<R, CharT>, const R, R>; // class template basic_format_parse_context template<class CharT> class basic_format_parse_context; using format_parse_context = basic_format_parse_context<char>; using wformat_parse_context = basic_format_parse_context<wchar_t>; // formatting of ranges // variable template format_kind enum class range_format { disabled, map, set, sequence, string, debug_string }; template<class R> constexpr /* unspecified */ format_kind = /* unspecified */; template<ranges::input_range R> requires same_as<R, remove_cvref_t<R>> constexpr range_format format_kind<R> = /* see description */; // class template range_formatter template<class T, class CharT = char> requires same_as<remove_cvref_t<T>, T> && formattable<T, CharT> class range_formatter; // class template range-default-formatter template<range_format K, ranges::input_range R, class CharT> struct __range_default_formatter; // exposition only // specializations for maps, sets, and strings template<ranges::input_range R, class CharT> requires (format_kind<R> != range_format::disabled) && formattable<ranges::range_reference_t<R>, CharT> struct formatter<R, CharT> : __range_default_formatter<format_kind<R>, R, CharT> { }; // arguments // class template basic_format_arg template<class Context> class basic_format_arg; template<class Visitor, class Context> decltype(auto) visit_format_arg(Visitor&& vis, basic_format_arg<Context> arg); // class template format-arg-store template<class Context, class... Args> class __format_arg_store; // exposition only template<class Context = format_context, class... Args> __format_arg_store<Context, Args...> make_format_args(Args&&... fmt_args); template<class... Args> __format_arg_store<wformat_context, Args...> make_wformat_args(Args&&... args); // class format_error class format_error; }
Class template std::basic_format_string
namespace std { template<class CharT, class... Args> struct basic_format_string { private: basic_string_view<CharT> str; // exposition only public: template<class T> consteval basic_format_string(const T& s); constexpr basic_string_view<CharT> get() const noexcept { return str; } }; }
Concept std::formattable
template<class T, class CharT> concept formattable = semiregular<formatter<remove_cvref_t<T>, CharT>> && requires(formatter<remove_cvref_t<T>, CharT> f, const formatter<remove_cvref_t<T>, CharT> cf, T t, basic_format_context<__fmt_iter_for<CharT>, CharT> fc, basic_format_parse_context<CharT> pc) { { f.parse(pc) } -> same_as<basic_format_parse_context<CharT>::iterator>; { cf.format(t, fc) } -> same_as<__fmt_iter_for<CharT>>; };
Class template std::basic_format_parse_context
namespace std { template<class CharT> class basic_format_parse_context { public: using char_type = CharT; using const_iterator = typename basic_string_view<CharT>::const_iterator; using iterator = const_iterator; private: iterator begin_; // exposition only iterator end_; // exposition only enum indexing { unknown, manual, automatic }; // exposition only indexing indexing_; // exposition only size_t next_arg_id_; // exposition only size_t num_args_; // exposition only public: constexpr explicit basic_format_parse_context(basic_string_view<CharT> fmt, size_t num_args = 0) noexcept; basic_format_parse_context(const basic_format_parse_context&) = delete; basic_format_parse_context& operator=(const basic_format_parse_context&) = delete; constexpr const_iterator begin() const noexcept; constexpr const_iterator end() const noexcept; constexpr void advance_to(const_iterator it); constexpr size_t next_arg_id(); constexpr void check_arg_id(size_t id); template<class... Ts> constexpr void check_dynamic_spec(size_t id) noexcept; constexpr void check_dynamic_spec_integral(size_t id) noexcept; constexpr void check_dynamic_spec_string(size_t id) noexcept; }; }
Class template std::basic_format_context
namespace std { template<class Out, class CharT> class basic_format_context { basic_format_args<basic_format_context> args_; // exposition only Out out_; // exposition only basic_format_context(const basic_format_context&) = delete; basic_format_context& operator=(const basic_format_context&) = delete; public: using iterator = Out; using char_type = CharT; template<class T> using formatter_type = formatter<T, CharT>; basic_format_arg<basic_format_context> arg(size_t id) const noexcept; std::locale locale(); iterator out(); void advance_to(iterator it); }; }
Variable template std::format_kind
template<ranges::input_range R> requires same_as<R, remove_cvref_t<R>> constexpr range_format format_kind<R> = /* see description */;
Class template std::range_formatter
namespace std { template<class T, class CharT = char> requires same_as<remove_cvref_t<T>, T> && formattable<T, CharT> class range_formatter { formatter<T, CharT> underlying_; // exposition only basic_string_view<CharT> separator_ = // exposition only __STATICALLY_WIDEN<CharT>(", "); basic_string_view<CharT> __opening_bracket_ = // exposition only __STATICALLY_WIDEN<CharT>("["); basic_string_view<CharT> __closing_bracket_ = // exposition only __STATICALLY_WIDEN<CharT>("]"); public: constexpr void set_separator(basic_string_view<CharT> sep); constexpr void set_brackets(basic_string_view<CharT> opening, basic_string_view<CharT> closing); constexpr formatter<T, CharT>& underlying() { return underlying_; } constexpr const formatter<T, CharT>& underlying() const { return underlying_; } template<class ParseContext> constexpr typename ParseContext::iterator parse(ParseContext& ctx); template<ranges::input_range R, class FormatContext> requires formattable<ranges::range_reference_t<R>, CharT> && same_as<remove_cvref_t<ranges::range_reference_t<R>>, T> typename FormatContext::iterator format(R&& r, FormatContext& ctx) const; }; }
Class template __range_default_formatter
namespace std { template<ranges::input_range R, class CharT> struct __range_default_formatter<range_format::sequence, R, CharT> { private: using __maybe_const_r = __fmt_maybe_const<R, CharT>; range_formatter<remove_cvref_t<ranges::range_reference_t<__maybe_const_r>>, CharT> underlying_; // exposition only public: constexpr void set_separator(basic_string_view<CharT> sep); constexpr void set_brackets(basic_string_view<CharT> opening, basic_string_view<CharT> closing); template<class ParseContext> constexpr typename ParseContext::iterator parse(ParseContext& ctx); template<class FormatContext> typename FormatContext::iterator format(__maybe_const_r& elems, FormatContext& ctx) const; }; }
Specialization of __range_default_formatter for maps
namespace std { template<ranges::input_range R, class CharT> struct __range_default_formatter<range_format::map, R, CharT> { private: using __maybe_const_map = __fmt_maybe_const<R, CharT>; // exposition only using __element_type = // exposition only remove_cvref_t<ranges::range_reference_t<__maybe_const_map>>; range_formatter<__element_type, CharT> underlying_; // exposition only public: constexpr __range_default_formatter(); template<class ParseContext> constexpr typename ParseContext::iterator parse(ParseContext& ctx); template<class FormatContext> typename FormatContext::iterator format(__maybe_const_map& r, FormatContext& ctx) const; }; }
Specialization of __range_default_formatter for sets
namespace std { template<ranges::input_range R, class CharT> struct __range_default_formatter<range_format::set, R, CharT> { private: using __maybe_const_set = __fmt_maybe_const<R, CharT>; // exposition only range_formatter<remove_cvref_t<ranges::range_reference_t<__maybe_const_set>>, CharT> underlying_; // exposition only public: constexpr __range_default_formatter(); template<class ParseContext> constexpr typename ParseContext::iterator parse(ParseContext& ctx); template<class FormatContext> typename FormatContext::iterator format(__maybe_const_set& r, FormatContext& ctx) const; }; }
Specialization of __range_default_formatter for strings
namespace std { template<range_format K, ranges::input_range R, class CharT> requires (K == range_format::string || K == range_format::debug_string) struct __range_default_formatter<K, R, CharT> { private: formatter<basic_string<CharT>, CharT> underlying_; // exposition only public: template<class ParseContext> constexpr typename ParseContext::iterator parse(ParseContext& ctx); template<class FormatContext> typename FormatContext::iterator format(/* see description */& str, FormatContext& ctx) const; }; }
Class template std::basic_format_arg
namespace std { template<class Context> class basic_format_arg { public: class handle; private: using char_type = typename Context::char_type; // exposition only variant<monostate, bool, char_type, int, unsigned int, long long int, unsigned long long int, float, double, long double, const char_type*, basic_string_view<char_type>, const void*, handle> value; // exposition only template<class T> explicit basic_format_arg(T&& v) noexcept; // exposition only explicit basic_format_arg(float n) noexcept; // exposition only explicit basic_format_arg(double n) noexcept; // exposition only explicit basic_format_arg(long double n) noexcept; // exposition only explicit basic_format_arg(const char_type* s); // exposition only template<class traits> explicit basic_format_arg( basic_string_view<char_type, traits> s) noexcept; // exposition only template<class traits, class Allocator> explicit basic_format_arg( const basic_string<char_type, traits, Allocator>& s) noexcept; // exposition only explicit basic_format_arg(nullptr_t) noexcept; // exposition only template<class T> explicit basic_format_arg(T* p) noexcept; // exposition only public: basic_format_arg() noexcept; explicit operator bool() const noexcept; template<class Visitor> decltype(auto) visit(this basic_format_arg arg, Visitor&& vis); template<class R, class Visitor> R visit(this basic_format_arg arg, Visitor&& vis); }; }
Class std::basic_format_arg::handle
namespace std { template<class Context> class basic_format_arg<Context>::handle { const void* ptr_; // exposition only void (*format_)(basic_format_parse_context<char_type>&, Context&, const void*); // exposition only template<class T> explicit handle(T&& val) noexcept; // exposition only friend class basic_format_arg<Context>; // exposition only public: void format(basic_format_parse_context<char_type>&, Context& ctx) const; }; }
Class template __format_arg_store
namespace std { template<class Context, class... Args> class __format_arg_store { // exposition only array<basic_format_arg<Context>, sizeof...(Args)> args; // exposition only }; }
Class template std::basic_format_args
namespace std { template<class Context> class basic_format_args { size_t size_; // exposition only const basic_format_arg<Context>* data_; // exposition only public: template<class... Args> basic_format_args(const __format_arg_store<Context, Args...>& store) noexcept; basic_format_arg<Context> get(size_t i) const noexcept; }; }
Tuple formatter
namespace std { template<class CharT, formattable<CharT>... Ts> struct formatter<__pair_or_tuple<Ts...>, CharT> { private: tuple<formatter<remove_cvref_t<Ts>, CharT>...> underlying_; // exposition only basic_string_view<CharT> separator_ = // exposition only __STATICALLY_WIDEN<CharT>(", "); basic_string_view<CharT> opening_bracket_ = // exposition only __STATICALLY_WIDEN<CharT>("("); basic_string_view<CharT> closing_bracket_ = // exposition only __STATICALLY_WIDEN<CharT>(")"); public: constexpr void set_separator(basic_string_view<CharT> sep); constexpr void set_brackets(basic_string_view<CharT> opening, basic_string_view<CharT> closing); template<class ParseContext> constexpr typename ParseContext::iterator parse(ParseContext& ctx); template<class FormatContext> typename FormatContext::iterator format(/* see description */& elems, FormatContext& ctx) const; }; }
Class std::format_error
namespace std { class format_error : public runtime_error { public: explicit format_error(const string& what_arg); explicit format_error(const char* what_arg); }; }