is-integer-like , is-signed-integer-like

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template< class T >
constexpr bool /*is-integer-like*/ = /* see description */;
(1) (since C++20)
(exposition only*)
template< class T >
constexpr bool /*is-signed-integer-like*/ = /* see description */;
(2) (since C++20)
(exposition only*)
1) /*is-integer-like*/<T> is true if and only if T is an integer-like type.
2) /*is-signed-integer-like*/<T> is true if and only if T is a signed-integer-like type.

Integer-class type

A type T is an integer-class type if it is in a set of implementation-defined types that behave as integer types do, as defined below. An integer-class type is not necessarily a class type.

An integer-class type can represent 2N
consecutive integers, where N, a positive integer, is called the width of the integer-class type.

An integer-class type is either signed or unsigned:

  • A signed integer class type can represent all integers in [-2N-1
    , where N is greater than the width of every signed integral type.
  • An unsigned integer class type can represent all integers in [02N
    , where N is greater than the width of every unsigned integral type.

All integer-class types model regular and three_way_comparable<std::strong_ordering>.

A value-initialized object of integer-class type has value ​0​.

An expression E of integer-class type T is contextually convertible to bool as if by bool(E != T(0)).

Integer-like type

A type other than (possibly cv-qualified) bool is integer-like if it models integral or if it is an integer-class type.

  • An integer-like type is signed-integer-like if it models signed_integral or if it is a signed-integer-class type.
  • An integer-like type is unsigned-integer-like if it models unsigned_integral or if it is an unsigned-integer-class type.

Required behaviors

Expressions of integer-class type are explicitly convertible to any integer-like type, and implicitly convertible to any integer-class type of equal or greater width and the same signedness. Expressions of integral type are both implicitly and explicitly convertible to any integer-class type. Conversions between integral and integer-class types and between two integer-class types do not exit via an exception. The result of such a conversion is the unique value of the destination type that is congruent to the source modulo 2N
, where N is the width of the destination type.

Let Int<T> denote the following type:

  • If T is an integer-class type, Int<T> is a unique hypothetical extended integer type of the same signedness with the same width as T.
  • If T is an integral type, let Int<T> is the same type as T.

Given the following types, values and operators:

Type Definition
IC an integer-class type
IL an integer-like type
Value Definition
a an object of type IC
b an object of type IL
c an lvalue of an integeral type
x an object of type Int<IC> that represent the same value as a
y an object of type Int<IL> that represent the same value as b
Operator Definition
@= one of +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, ^=, <<= and >>=
@ one of +, -, *, /, %, &, |, ^, <<, >>, &&, ||, ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, <=> and ,

The following expressions must be well-formed and have their specified result and effects if the specified conditions are satisfied:

 Expression            Condition           Result Effects
a++ No condition a prvalue of type IC whose value is equal to that of a prior to the evaluation modifies the value of a by adding 1 to it
a-- modifies the value of a by subtracting 1 to it
++a expression-equivalent to a += 1
--a expression-equivalent to a -= 1
&a expression-equivalent to std::addressof(a)
!a !x is well-formed same as !x
+a +x is well-formed same as +x, but has type IC same as +x
-a -x is well-formed same as -x, but has type IC same as -x
~a ~x is well-formed same as ~x, but has type IC same as ~x
c @= a c @= x is well-formed an lvalue referring to c same as c @= x
a @= b x @= y is well-formed an lvalue referring to a same as x @= y, except that the value that would be stored into x is stored into a
a @ b x @ y is well-formed same as x @ y, but the result type is different:
  • If x @ y is of type Int<IC>, the result has type IC.
  • If x @ y is of type Int<IL>, the result has type IL.
  • If x @ y is of any other type T, the result has type T.
same as x @ y
b @ a y @ x is well-formed same as y @ x, but the result type is different:
  • If y @ x is of type Int<IC>, the result has type IC.
  • If y @ x is of type Int<IL>, the result has type IL.
  • If y @ x is of any other type T, the result has type T.
same as y @ x

Defect reports

The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published C++ standards.

DR Applied to Behavior as published Correct behavior
LWG 3366
C++20 the conversion between an integer-class type and its corresponding
integer type was not guaranteed to produce a representable value
LWG 3376
C++20 integer-class types could only be class types also allowed
non-class types
LWG 3467 C++20 bool was considered as an integer-like type excluded
LWG 3575
C++20 integer-class types were not guaranteed to be three-way-comparable guaranteed

See also

specifies that a semiregular type can be incremented with pre- and post-increment operators