
< cpp‎ | language
C++ language
General topics
Flow control
Conditional execution statements
Iteration statements (loops)
range-for (C++11)
Jump statements
Function declaration
Lambda function expression
inline specifier
Dynamic exception specifications (until C++17*)
noexcept specifier (C++11)
decltype (C++11)
auto (C++11)
constexpr (C++11)
consteval (C++20)
constinit (C++20)
Storage duration specifiers
Alternative representations
Boolean - Integer - Floating-point
Character - String - nullptr (C++11)
User-defined (C++11)
Attributes (C++11)
typedef declaration
Type alias declaration (C++11)
Memory allocation
Class-specific function properties
explicit (C++11)

Special member functions
Acronym Full name See also
AAA Almost Always Auto GOTW #94
ABC Abstract Base Class
ABI Application Binary Interface Itanium C++ ABI
ADL Argument-Dependent Lookup
ADT Abstract Data Type
AFO Algorithm Function Objects CPO
API Application Programming Interface
BMI Binary Module Interface Modules
CAS Compare-And-Swap; Copy And Swap compare_exchange
CMI Compiled Module Interfaces Modules
COW Copy-On-Write
CPO Customization Point Object [customization.point.object], RangeAdaptorObject, RangeAdaptorClosureObject, AFO
CRTP Curiously Recurring Template Pattern std::enable_shared_from_this, std::ranges::view_interface
CTAD Class Template Argument Deduction
CTRE Compile-Time Regular Expressions CTRE lib
CWG The Core Working Group WG21
DCL Double-Checked Locking Concurrency support library
DIS Draft International Standard See also FDIS
DR Defect Report
Empty Base (Class) Optimization [[no_unique_address]], std::allocator, std::default_delete
EDG Edison Design Group
EH Exception Handling
ELF Executable and Linkable Format
EWG The Evolution Working Group WG21
EWGI The Evolution Working Group Incubator WG21
FAM Flexible Array Member
FDIS Final Draft International Standard See also DIS
GCC GNU Compiler Collection
GMF Global Module Fragment Modules
HALO Heap Allocation eLision Optimization Coroutines, P0981
ICE Internal Compiler Error; Integer Constant Expression
IFNDR Ill-Formed, No Diagnostic Required
IIILE Immediately Invoked Initializing Lambda Expression
IPO Inter-Procedural Optimization
IWYU Include What You Use libclang-based tool
LEWG The Library Evolution Working Group WG21
LEWGI The Library Evolution Working Group Incubator WG21
LTO Link-Time Optimization
LWG The Library Working Group WG21
MDT Most Derived Type
MPSC Multi-Producer Single-Consumer (e.g., task queue) std::executor
MSVC MicroSoft Visual C++
NAD Not A Defect See also DR
NDR No Diagnostic Required
NRVO Named Return Value Optimization
NSDMI Non-Static Data Member Initialization
NTBS Null-Terminated Byte Strings
NTTP Non-Type Template Parameter
NUA No Unique Address [[no_unique_address]]
NVI Non-Virtual Interface
ODR One Definition Rule
OOP Object-Oriented Programming
PCH Pre-Compiled Header gcc doc on PCH
PDO Profile-Driven Optimization See also PGO
PGO Profile-Guided Optimization See also PDO
PID Process IDentifier std::thread::get_id(), std::jthread::get_id()
PIMPL Pointer to IMPLementation
PMF Private Module Fragment Modules
PMR Polymorphic Memory Resources <memory_resource>
POCCA Propagate on Container Copy Assignment
POCMA Propagate on Container Move Assignment
POCS Propagate on Container Swap
POD Plain Old Data (PODType) ScalarType, TrivialType, StandardLayoutType
QoI Quality of Implementation
RAII Resource Acquisition Is Initialization
RACO Range Adaptor Closure Object RangeAdaptorClosureObject
RAO Range Adaptor Object RangeAdaptorObject
RCU Read-Copy-Update <rcu>
RTTI RunTime Type Identification std::type_info
RVO Return Value Optimization
SBO Small Buffer Optimization
SBRM Scope-Bound Resource Management, see RAII
SCARY Seemingly erroneous (appearing Constrained by conflicting generic parameters), but Actually work with the Right implementation (unconstrained bY the conflict due to minimized dependencies).
SEH Structured Exception Handling SEH
SFINAE Substitution Failure Is Not An Error std::enable_if, std::void_t
SIMD Single Instruction Multiple Data Data-parallel types (SIMD)
SIOF Static Initialization Order Fiasco
SMF Special Member Function
SOCCC Select On Container Copy Construction
SOO Small Object Optimization std::move_only_function, std::function, std::any
SSO Small String Optimization std::basic_string
STL The Standard Template Library
TCO Tail Call Optimization
TLS Thread-Local Storage thread_local
TMP Template Meta Programming <type_traits>
TU Translation Unit Modules, TU-local
UB Undefined Behavior
UDC User-Defined Conversion operator
UDL User-Defined Literals
UFCS Universal Function Call Syntax “What is UFCS anyway?”
VLA Variable-Length Array SO on VLA
WPO Whole-Program Optimization

External links

“A C++ acronym glossary” by Arthur O’Dwyer, 2019/08