
< cpp‎ | numeric‎ | random
Defined in header <random>

    class UIntType, std::size_t w, std::size_t n, std::size_t r,
    UIntType... consts

class philox_engine;
(since C++26)

std::philox_engine is a counter-based random number engine.

Template parameters

UIntType - The result type generated by the generator. The effect is undefined if this is not one of unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned long, or unsigned long long.
w - the word size in bits
n - the word count
r - the round count
consts - the sequence of multipliers and round constants used for generating random numbers

If any of the following values is not true, the program is ill-formed:

  • sizeof...(consts) == n
  • n == 2 || n == 4 || n == 8 || n == 16
  • 0 < r
  • 0 < w && w <= std::numeric_limits<UIntType>::digits

Generator properties

In the following description, let Qi denote the ith element of sequence Q, where the subscript starts from zero.

The size of the states of philox_engine is O(n), each of them consists of four parts:

  • A sequence X of n integer values, where each value is in [02w
  • This sequence represents a large unsigned integer counter value Z=∑n-1
    of n⋅w bits.
  • A sequence K of n / 2 keys of type UIntType.
  • A buffer Y of n produced values of type UIntType.
  • An index j in Y buffer.

The transition algorithm of philox_engine (TA(Xi)) is defined as follows:

  • If j is not n - 1, increments j by 1.[1]
  • If j is n - 1, performs the following operations:[2]
  1. Generates a new sequence of n random values (see below) and stores them in Y.
  2. Increments the counter Z by 1.
  3. Resets j to 0.

The generation algorithm of philox_engine is GA(Xi)=Yj.

  1. In this case, the next generation algorithm call returns the next generated value in the buffer.
  2. In this case, the buffer is refreshed, and the next generation algorithm call returns the first value in the new buffer.

Generating random values

Random values are generated from the following parameters:

  • the number of rounds r
  • the current counter sequence X
  • the key sequence K
  • the multiplier sequence M
  • the round constant sequence C

The sequences M and C are formed from the values from template parameter pack consts, which represents the Mk and Ck constants as [M0, C0, M1, C1,... , ..., Mn/2-1, Cn/2-1].

Random numbers are generated by the following process:

  1. Initializes the output sequence S with the elements of X.
  2. Updates the elements of S for r rounds.
  3. Replaces the values in the buffer Y with the values in S.

Updating the output sequence

For each round of update, an intermediate sequence V is initialized with the elements of S in a specified order:

 n      V0         V1         V2         V3         V4         V5         V6         V7         V8         V9      V10   V11   V12   V13   V14   V15 
2 S0 S1 N/A
4 S0 S3 S2 S1 N/A
8 S2 S1 S4 S7 S6 S5 S0 S3 N/A
16 S0 S9 S2 S13 S6 S11 S4 S15 S10 S7 S12 S3 S14 S5 S8 S1

Given the following operation notations:

  • xor, built-in bitwise XOR.
  • mullo, it calcuates the low half of modular multiplication and is defined as mullo(a,b,w)=(a⋅b) mod 2w
  • mulhi, it calcuates the high half of multiplication and is defined as mulhi(a,b,w)=⌊(a⋅b)/2w

Let q be the current round number (starting from zero), for each integer k in [0n / 2), the elements of the output sequence S are updated as follows:

  • X2⋅k=mullo(V2⋅k+1,Mk,w)
  • X2⋅k+1=mulhi(V2⋅k+1,Mk,w) xor ((Kk+q⋅Ck) mod 2w
    ) xor V2⋅k

Predefined specializations

The following specializations define the random number engine with two commonly used parameter sets:

Defined in header <random>
Type Definition
philox4x32 (C++26) std::philox_engine<std::uint_fast32_t, 32, 4, 10,
                   0xD2511F53, 0x9E3779B9,
                   0xCD9E8D57, 0xBB67AE85>
philox4x64 (C++26) std::philox_engine<std::uint_fast64_t, 64, 4, 10,
                   0xD2E7470EE14C6C93, 0x9E3779B97F4A7C15,
                   0xCA5A826395121157, 0xBB67AE8584CAA73B>

Nested types

Type Definition
result_type UIntType

Data members

constexpr std::size_t word_size
(public static member constant)
constexpr std::size_t word_count
(public static member constant)
constexpr std::size_t round_count
(public static member constant)
constexpr std::array<result_type, word_count / 2> multipliers
the multiplier sequence M
(public static member constant)
constexpr std::array<result_type, word_count / 2> round_consts
the round constant sequence C
(public static member constant)
constexpr std::uint_least32_t default_seed
(public static member constant)

Member functions

Construction and Seeding
constructs the engine
(public member function)
sets the current state of the engine
(public member function)
sets the current counter of the engine
(public member function)
advances the engine's state and returns the generated value
(public member function)
advances the engine's state by a specified amount
(public member function)
gets the smallest possible value in the output range
(public static member function)
gets the largest possible value in the output range
(public static member function)

Non-member functions

compares the internal states of two pseudo-random number engines
performs stream input and output on pseudo-random number engine
(function template)


Feature-test macro Value Std Feature
__cpp_lib_philox_engine 202406L (C++26) std::philox_engine
