std::expected<T,E>::operator->, std::expected<T,E>::operator*

< cpp‎ | utility‎ | expected
Primary template
constexpr const T* operator->() const noexcept;
(1) (since C++23)
constexpr T* operator->() noexcept;
(2) (since C++23)
constexpr const T& operator*() const& noexcept;
(3) (since C++23)
constexpr T& operator*() & noexcept;
(4) (since C++23)
constexpr const T&& operator*() const&& noexcept;
(5) (since C++23)
constexpr T&& operator*() && noexcept;
(6) (since C++23)
void partial specialization
constexpr void operator*() const noexcept;
(7) (since C++23)

Accesses the expected value contained in *this.

1,2) Returns a pointer to the expected value.
3-6) Returns a reference to the expected value.
7) Returns nothing.

If has_value() is false, the behavior is undefined.

Return value

3,4) val
5,6) std::move(val)


These operators do not check whether the optional represents an expected value! You can do so manually by using has_value() or simply operator bool(). Alternatively, if checked access is needed, value() or value_or() may be used.


#include <cassert>
#include <expected>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main()
    using namespace std::string_literals;
    std::expected<int, std::string> ex1 = 6;
    assert(*ex1 == 6);
    *ex1 = 9;
    assert(*ex1 == 9);
    // *ex1 = "error"s; // error, ex1 contains an expected value of type int
    ex1 = std::unexpected("error"s);
    // *ex1 = 13; // UB, ex1 contains an unexpected value
    assert(ex1.value_or(42) == 42);
    std::expected<std::string, bool> ex2 = "Moon"s;
    std::cout << "ex2: " << std::quoted(*ex2) << ", size: " << ex2->size() << '\n';
    // You can "take" the expected value by calling operator* on an std::expected rvalue
    auto taken = *std::move(ex2);
    std::cout << "taken " << std::quoted(taken) << "\n"
                 "ex2: " << std::quoted(*ex2) << ", size: " << ex2->size() << '\n';

Possible output:

ex2: "Moon", size: 4
taken "Moon"
ex2: "", size: 0

See also

returns the expected value
(public member function)
returns the expected value if present, another value otherwise
(public member function)
checks whether the object contains an expected value
(public member function)
returns the unexpected value
(public member function)