Standard format specification (since C++20)
For basic types and string types, the format specification is based on the format specification in Python.
The syntax of format specifications is:
fill-and-align (optional) sign (optional) # (optional) 0 (optional) width (optional) precision (optional) L (optional) type (optional)
The sign, #
and 0
options are only valid when an integer or floating-point presentation type is used.
Fill and align
fill-and-align is an optional fill character (which can be any character other than {
or }
), followed by one of the align options <
, >
, ^
If no fill character is specified, it defaults to the space character. For a format specification in a Unicode encoding, the fill character must correspond to a single Unicode scalar value.
The meaning of align options is as follows:
: Forces the formatted argument to be aligned to the start of the available space by inserting n fill characters after the formatted argument. This is the default when a non-integer non-floating-point presentation type is used. -
: Forces the formatted argument to be aligned to the end of the available space by inserting n fill characters before the formatted argument. This is the default when an integer or floating-point presentation type is used. -
: Forces the formatted argument to be centered within the available space by inserting ⌊
⌋ characters before and ⌈n 2
⌉ characters after the formatted argument.n 2
In each case, n is the difference of the minimum field width (specified by width) and the estimated width of the formatted argument, or 0 if the difference is less than 0.
#include <cassert> #include <format> int main() { char c = 120; assert(std::format("{:6}", 42) == " 42"); assert(std::format("{:6}", 'x') == "x "); assert(std::format("{:*<6}", 'x') == "x*****"); assert(std::format("{:*>6}", 'x') == "*****x"); assert(std::format("{:*^6}", 'x') == "**x***"); assert(std::format("{:6d}", c) == " 120"); assert(std::format("{:6}", true) == "true "); }
Sign, #, and 0
The sign option can be one of following:
: Indicates that a sign should be used for both non-negative and negative numbers. The+
sign is inserted before the output value for non-negative numbers. -
: Indicates that a sign should be used for negative numbers only (this is the default behavior). - space: Indicates that a leading space should be used for non-negative numbers, and a minus sign for negative numbers.
Negative zero is treated as a negative number.
The sign option applies to floating-point infinity and NaN.
#include <cassert> #include <format> #include <limits> int main() { double inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); double nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); assert(std::format("{0:},{0:+},{0:-},{0: }", 1) == "1,+1,1, 1"); assert(std::format("{0:},{0:+},{0:-},{0: }", -1) == "-1,-1,-1,-1"); assert(std::format("{0:},{0:+},{0:-},{0: }", inf) == "inf,+inf,inf, inf"); assert(std::format("{0:},{0:+},{0:-},{0: }", nan) == "nan,+nan,nan, nan"); }
The #
option causes the alternate form to be used for the conversion.
- For integral types, when binary, octal, or hexadecimal presentation type is used, the alternate form inserts the prefix (
, or0x
) into the output value after the sign character (possibly space) if there is one, or add it before the output value otherwise. - For floating-point types, the alternate form causes the result of the conversion of finite values to always contain a decimal-point character, even if no digits follow it. Normally, a decimal-point character appears in the result of these conversions only if a digit follows it. In addition, for
conversions, trailing zeros are not removed from the result.
The 0
option pads the field with leading zeros (following any indication of sign or base) to the field width, except when applied to an infinity or NaN. If the 0
character and an align option both appear, the 0
character is ignored.
#include <cassert> #include <format> int main() { char c = 120; assert(std::format("{:+06d}", c) == "+00120"); assert(std::format("{:#06x}", 0xa) == "0x000a"); assert(std::format("{:<06}", -42) == "-42 "); // 0 is ignored because of '<' }
Width and precision
width is either a positive decimal number, or a nested replacement field ({}
or {
). If present, it specifies the minimum field width.
precision is a dot (.
) followed by either a non-negative decimal number or a nested replacement field. This field indicates the precision or maximum field size. It can only be used with floating-point and string types.
- For floating-point types, this field specifies the formatting precision.
- For string types, it provides an upper bound for the estimated width (see below) of the prefix of the string to be copied to the output. For a string in a Unicode encoding, the text to be copied to the output is the longest prefix of whole extended grapheme clusters whose estimated width is no greater than the precision.
If a nested replacement field is used for width or precision, and the corresponding argument is not of integral type(until C++23)standard signed or unsigned integer type(since C++23), or is negative, an exception of type std::format_error is thrown.
float pi = 3.14f; assert(std::format("{:10f}", pi) == " 3.140000"); // width = 10 assert(std::format("{:{}f}", pi, 10) == " 3.140000"); // width = 10 assert(std::format("{:.5f}", pi) == "3.14000"); // precision = 5 assert(std::format("{:.{}f}", pi, 5) == "3.14000"); // precision = 5 assert(std::format("{:10.5f}", pi) == " 3.14000"); // width = 10, precision = 5 assert(std::format("{:{}.{}f}", pi, 10, 5) == " 3.14000"); // width = 10, precision = 5 auto b1 = std::format("{:{}f}", pi, 10.0); // throws: width is not of integral type auto b2 = std::format("{:{}f}", pi, -10); // throws: width is negative auto b3 = std::format("{:.{}f}", pi, 5.0); // throws: precision is not of integral type
The width of a string is defined as the estimated number of column positions appropriate for displaying it in a terminal.
For the purpose of width computation, a string is assumed to be in an implementation-defined encoding. The method of width computation is unspecified, but for a string in a Unicode encoding, implementation should estimate the width of the string as the sum of estimated widths of the first code points in its extended grapheme clusters. The estimated width is 2 for the following code points, and is 1 otherwise:
- Any code point whose Unicode property
has value Fullwidth (F
) or Wide (W
) - U+4DC0 - U+4DFF (Yijing Hexagram Symbols)
- U+1F300 – U+1F5FF (Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs)
- U+1F900 – U+1F9FF (Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs)
#include <cassert> #include <format> int main() { assert(std::format("{:.^5s}", "🐱") == ".🐱.."); assert(std::format("{:.5s}", "🐱🐱🐱") == "🐱🐱"); assert(std::format("{:.<5.5s}", "🐱🐱🐱") == "🐱🐱."); }
L (locale-specific formatting)
The L
option causes the locale-specific form to be used. This option is only valid for arithmetic types.
- For integral types, the locale-specific form inserts the appropriate digit group separator characters according to the context's locale.
- For floating-point types, the locale-specific form inserts the appropriate digit group and radix separator characters according to the context's locale.
- For the textual representation of
, the locale-specific form uses the appropriate string as if obtained with std::numpunct::truename or std::numpunct::falsename.
The type option determines how the data should be presented.
The available string presentation types are:
- none,
: Copies the string to the output.
(since C++23) |
The available integer presentation types for integral types other than char, wchar_t, and bool are:
: Binary format. Produces the output as if by calling std::to_chars(first, last, value, 2). The base prefix is0b
. -
: same asb
, except that the base prefix is0B
. -
: Copies the character static_cast<CharT>(value) to the output, whereCharT
is the character type of the format string. Throws std::format_error if value is not in the range of representable values forCharT
. -
: Decimal format. Produces the output as if by calling std::to_chars(first, last, value). -
: Octal format. Produces the output as if by calling std::to_chars(first, last, value, 8). The base prefix is0
if the corresponding argument value is non-zero and is empty otherwise. -
: Hex format. Produces the output as if by calling std::to_chars(first, last, value, 16). The base prefix is0x
. -
: same asx
, except that it uses uppercase letters for digits above 9 and the base prefix is0X
. - none: same as
The available char and wchar_t presentation types are:
- none,
: Copies the character to the output. -
: Uses integer presentation types with the value static_cast<unsigned char>(value) or static_cast<std::make_unsigned_t<wchar_t>>(value) respectively.
(since C++23) |
The available bool presentation types are:
- none,
: Copies textual representation (true
, or the locale-specific form) to the output. -
: Uses integer presentation types with the value static_cast<unsigned char>(value).
The available floating-point presentation types are:
: If precision is specified, produces the output as if by calling std::to_chars(first, last, value, std::chars_format::hex, precision) where precision is the specified precision; otherwise, the output is produced as if by calling std::to_chars(first, last, value, std::chars_format::hex). -
: same asa
, except that it uses uppercase letters for digits above 9 and usesP
to indicate the exponent. -
: Produces the output as if by calling std::to_chars(first, last, value, std::chars_format::scientific, precision) where precision is the specified precision, or 6 if precision is not specified. -
: same ase
, except that it usesE
to indicate the exponent. -
: Produces the output as if by calling std::to_chars(first, last, value, std::chars_format::fixed, precision) where precision is the specified precision, or 6 if precision is not specified. -
: Produces the output as if by calling std::to_chars(first, last, value, std::chars_format::general, precision) where precision is the specified precision, or 6 if precision is not specified. -
: same asg
, except that it usesE
to indicate the exponent. - none: If precision is specified, produces the output as if by calling std::to_chars(first, last, value, std::chars_format::general, precision) where precision is the specified precision; otherwise, the output is produced as if by calling std::to_chars(first, last, value).
For lower-case presentation types, infinity and NaN are formatted as inf
and nan
, respectively.
For upper-case presentation types, infinity and NaN are formatted as INF
and NAN
, respectively.
The available pointer presentation types (also used for std::nullptr_t) are:
- none,
: If std::uintptr_t is defined, produces the output as if by calling std::to_chars(first, last, reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(value), 16) with the prefix0x
added to the output; otherwise, the output is implementation-defined.
(since C++26) |
Formatting escaped characters and stringsA character or string can be formatted as escaped to make it more suitable for debugging or for logging. Escaping is done as follows:
The escaped string representation of a string is constructed by escaping the code unit sequences in the string, as described above, and quoting the result with double quotes. The escaped representation of a character is constructed by escaping it as described above, and quoting the result with single quotes. Run this code #include <print> int main() { std::println("[{:?}]", "h\tllo"); // prints: ["h\tllo"] std::println("[{:?}]", "Спасибо, Виктор ♥!"); // prints: ["Спасибо, Виктор ♥!"] std::println("[{:?}] [{:?}]", '\'', '"'); // prints: ['\'', '"'] // The following examples assume use of the UTF-8 encoding std::println("[{:?}]", std::string("\0 \n \t \x02 \x1b", 9)); // prints: ["\u{0} \n \t \u{2} \u{1b}"] std::println("[{:?}]", "\xc3\x28"); // invalid UTF-8 // prints: ["\x{c3}("] std::println("[{:?}]", "\u0301"); // prints: ["\u{301}"] std::println("[{:?}]", "\\\u0301"); // prints: ["\\\u{301}"] std::println("[{:?}]", "e\u0301\u0323"); // prints: ["ẹ́"] } |
(since C++23) |
In most of the cases the syntax is similar to the old %
-formatting, with the addition of the {}
and with :
used instead of %
. For example, "%03.2f" can be translated to "{:03.2f}".
Feature-test macro | Value | Std | Feature |
__cpp_lib_format_uchar |
202311L |
(C++20) (DR) |
Formatting of code units as unsigned integers |
Defect reports
The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published C++ standards.
DR | Applied to | Behavior as published | Correct behavior |
LWG 3721 | C++20 | zero is not allowed for the width field in standard format specification |
zero is permitted if specified via a replacement field |
P2909R4 | C++20 | char or wchar_t might be formatted as out-of-range unsigned integer values |
code units are converted to the corresponding unsigned type before such formatting |