
Function objects
Function invocation
Identity function object
Transparent operator wrappers

Old binders and adaptors
(until C++17*)
(until C++17*)
(until C++17*)
(until C++17*)  
(until C++17*)
(until C++17*)(until C++17*)(until C++17*)(until C++17*)
(until C++20*)
(until C++20*)
(until C++17*)(until C++17*)
(until C++17*)(until C++17*)

(until C++17*)
(until C++17*)(until C++17*)(until C++17*)(until C++17*)
(until C++20*)
(until C++20*)
constexpr function_ref& operator=( const function_ref& ) noexcept = default;
(1) (since C++26)
template< class T >
constexpr function_ref& operator=( T ) = delete;
(2) (since C++26)
1) Copy assignment operator is explicitly-defaulted. std::function_ref satisfies copyable and TriviallyCopyable. This defaulted assignment operator performs a shallow copy of the stored thunk-ptr and bound-entity.
2) User-defined assignment operator is explicitly-deleted if T is not the same type as std::function_ref, std::is_pointer_v<T> is false, and T is not a specialization of std::nontype_t. This overload participates in overload resolution only if the constraints are satisfied in the conditions above.

Return value


See also

constructs a new function_ref object
(public member function)
replaces or destroys the target
(public member function of std::copyable_function)
assigns a new target
(public member function of std::function<R(Args...)>)
replaces or destroys the target
(public member function of std::move_only_function)