std::ranges::views::concat, std::ranges::concat_view
Defined in header <ranges>
template< ranges::input_range... Views > requires (ranges::view<Views> && ...) && (sizeof...(Views) > 0) && |
(1) | (since C++26) |
namespace views { inline constexpr /* unspecified */ concat = /* unspecified */; |
(2) | (since C++26) |
Call signature |
template< ranges::viewable_range... Rs > requires /* see below */ |
(since C++26) | |
Helper type aliases |
template< class... Rs > using /*concat-reference-t*/ = |
(3) | (exposition only*) |
template< class... Rs > using /*concat-value-t*/ = std::common_type_t<ranges::range_value_t<Rs>...>; |
(4) | (exposition only*) |
template< class... Rs > using /*concat-rvalue-reference-t*/ = |
(5) | (exposition only*) |
Helper concepts |
template< class Ref, class RRef, class It > concept /*concat-indirectly-readable-impl*/ = /* see description */; |
(6) | (exposition only*) |
template< class... Rs > concept /*concatable*/ = /* see description */; |
(7) | (exposition only*) |
presents a view
factory that takes an arbitrary number of ranges as an argument list, and provides a view that starts at the first element of the first range, ends at the last element of the last range, with all range elements sequenced in between respectively in the order given in the arguments, effectively concatenating, or chaining together the argument ranges.
s each of which models at least input_range
and is concatable
is a customization point object.
Given a pack of subexpressions exprs, the expression views::concat(exprs...) is expression-equivalent to
- views::all(exprs...) if exprs is a pack with only one element whose type models
, - concat_view(exprs...) otherwise.
that additionally respects the underlying ranges’ value_type
to support the cases when the underlying ranges have proxy iterators.iter_move
concept for the iterator
so that concat_view
can model input_range
.template< class... Rs > concept /*concat-indirectly-readable*/ = // exposition only std::common_reference_with</*concat-reference-t*/<Rs...>&&, /*concat-value-t*/<Rs...>&> && std::common_reference_with</*concat-reference-t*/<Rs...>&&, /*concat-rvalue-reference-t*/<Rs...>&&> && std::common_reference_with</*concat-rvalue-reference-t*/<Rs...>&&, /*concat-value-t*/<Rs...> const&> && (/*concat-indirectly-readable-impl*/</*concat-reference-t*/<Rs...>, /*concat-rvalue-reference-t*/<Rs...>, ranges::iterator_t<Rs>> && ...);
template< class Ref, class RRef, class It > concept /*concat-indirectly-readable-impl*/ = // exposition only requires(const It it) { { *it } -> std::convertible_to<Ref>; { ranges::iter_move(it)} -> std::convertible_to<RRef>; };
template< class... Rs > concept /*concatable*/ = requires { // exposition only typename /*concat-reference-t*/<Rs...>; typename /*concat-value-t*/<Rs...>; typename /*concat-rvalue-reference-t*/<Rs...>; } && /*concat-indirectly-readable*/<Rs...>;
always models input_range
, and models forward_range
, bidirectional_range
, random_access_range
, or sized_range
if each adapted view
type models the corresponding concept.
can be common_range
if the last underlying range models common_range
Customization point objects
The name views::concat
denotes a customization point object, which is a const function object of a literal semiregular
class type. For exposition purposes, the cv-unqualified version of its type is denoted as __concat_fn
All instances of __concat_fn
are equal. The effects of invoking different instances of type __concat_fn
on the same arguments are equivalent, regardless of whether the expression denoting the instance is an lvalue or rvalue, and is const-qualified or not (however, a volatile-qualified instance is not required to be invocable). Thus, views::concat
can be copied freely and its copies can be used interchangeably.
Given a set of types Args...
, if std::declval<Args>()... meet the requirements for arguments to views::concat
above, __concat_fn
- std::invocable<__concat_fn, Args...>,
- std::invocable<const __concat_fn, Args...>,
- std::invocable<__concat_fn&, Args...>, and
- std::invocable<const __concat_fn&, Args...>.
Otherwise, no function call operator of __concat_fn
participates in overload resolution.
Data members
Member | Description |
std::tuple<Views...> views_
all adapted view objects (exposition-only member object*) |
Member functions
constructs a concat_view (public member function) | |
returns an iterator to the beginning (public member function) | |
returns an iterator or a sentinel to the end (public member function) | |
returns the number of elements. Provided only if the underlying (adapted) range satisfies sized_range . (public member function) | |
Inherited from std::ranges::view_interface | |
returns whether the derived view is empty. Provided if it satisfies sized_range or forward_range . (public member function of std::ranges::view_interface<D> ) | |
(C++23) |
returns a constant iterator to the beginning of the range. (public member function of std::ranges::view_interface<D> ) |
(C++23) |
returns a sentinel for the constant iterator of the range. (public member function of std::ranges::view_interface<D> ) |
returns whether the derived view is not empty. Provided if ranges::empty is applicable to it. (public member function of std::ranges::view_interface<D> ) | |
returns the first element in the derived view. Provided if it satisfies forward_range . (public member function of std::ranges::view_interface<D> ) | |
returns the last element in the derived view. Provided if it satisfies bidirectional_range and common_range . (public member function of std::ranges::view_interface<D> ) | |
returns the n th element in the derived view. Provided if it satisfies random_access_range . (public member function of std::ranges::view_interface<D> ) |
Deduction guides
Nested classes
Class name | Definition |
the iterator type (exposition-only member class template*) |
Helper templates
There is no specialization of ranges::enable_borrowed_range for concat_view
, because this would require the iterator implementation to contain a copy of all iterators and sentinels of all underlying ranges at all times.
No argument views::concat() is ill-formed, because there is no reasonable way to determine an element type T
. Single argument views::concat(r) is expression equivalent to views::all(r).
Feature-test macro | Value | Std | Feature |
__cpp_lib_ranges_concat |
202403L |
(C++26) | std::ranges::concat_view
The preliminary version can be checked out on Compiler Explorer.
#include <cassert> #include <list> #include <print> #include <ranges> #include <vector> int main() { std::vector<int> v0{1, 2, 3}, v1{4, 5}; int a[]{6, 7}; int i{8}; auto ie{std::views::single(i)}; auto con = std::views::concat(v0, v1, a, ie); assert(con.size() == v0.size() + v1.size() + std::size(a) + ie.size()); std::println("con.size(): {}", con.size()); std::println("con: {}", con); con[6] = 42; // con is random_access_range, operator[] returns a reference assert(a[1] == 42); // a[1] was modified via con[6] std::println("con: {}", con); std::list<int> l{7, 8}; // list is bidirectional range auto cat = std::views::concat(v0, l); std::println("cat: {}", cat); // cat[0] = 13; // compile-time error: cat is bidirectional => no operator[] }
con.size(): 8 con: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] con: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 42, 8] cat: [1, 2, 3, 7, 8]
- C++26 standard (ISO/IEC 14882:2026):
- 26.7.18 Concat view [range.concat]
See also
(C++20) |
a view consisting of the sequence obtained from flattening a view of range s(class template) (range adaptor object) |
a view consisting of the sequence obtained from flattening a view of ranges, with the delimiter in between elements(class template) (range adaptor object) | |
(C++23) |
a view consisting of tuples of references to corresponding elements of the adapted views(class template) (customization point object) |
a view consisting of tuples of results calculated by the n-ary cartesian product of the adapted views(class template) (customization point object) |