std::ranges::lazy_split_view<V, Pattern>::inner_iterator
template< bool Const > struct /*inner_iterator*/; |
(since C++20) (exposition only*) |
The return type of lazy_split_view::
matches the template argument of outer_iterator
Member types
Member | Definition |
maybe-const <Const, V>(exposition-only member type*) |
iterator_category (conditionally present) |
Present only if
ranges::range_value_t<Base> |
ranges::range_difference_t<Base> |
Data members
Member | Description |
outer_iterator <Const> i_ (private)
an iterator into the underlying view of the parent object lazy_split_view (exposition-only member object*) |
bool incremented_ (private)
a flag that indicates whether the operator++ was invoked on this object at least once (exposition-only member object*) |
Member functions
(constructor) (C++20) |
constructs an iterator (public member function) |
base (C++20) |
returns the underlying iterator (public member function) |
operator* (C++20) |
returns the current element (public member function) |
operator++operator++(int) (C++20) |
advances the iterator (public member function) |
Member functions
/*inner_iterator*/() = default; |
(1) | (since C++20) |
constexpr explicit /*inner_iterator*/( /*outer_iterator*/<Const> i ); |
(2) | (since C++20) |
via its default member initializer (= /*outer_iterator*/<Const>()).The data member incremented_
is initialized with its default member initializer to false.
constexpr const ranges::iterator_t<Base>& base() const & noexcept; |
(1) | (since C++20) |
constexpr ranges::iterator_t<Base> base() && requires ranges::forward_range<V>; |
(2) | (since C++20) |
Returns a copy of the underlying iterator.
constexpr decltype(auto) operator*() const; |
(since C++20) | |
Returns the element the underlying iterator points to.
Equivalent to return *i_./*cur*/();.
constexpr /*inner_iterator*/& operator++(); |
(1) | (since C++20) |
constexpr decltype(auto) operator++(int); |
(2) | (since C++20) |
incremented_ = true;
if constexpr (!ranges::forward_range<Base>)
if constexpr (Pattern::size() == 0)
return *this;
if constexpr (ranges::forward_range<Base>)
auto tmp = *this;
return tmp;
++*this; // no return statement
Non-member functions
operator== (C++20) |
compares the iterators or the iterator and std::default_sentinel (function) |
iter_move (C++20) |
casts the result of dereferencing the underlying iterator to its associated rvalue reference type (function) |
iter_swap (C++20) |
swaps the objects pointed to by two underlying iterators (function) |
friend constexpr bool operator==( const /*inner_iterator*/& x, const /*inner_iterator*/& y ) |
(1) | (since C++20) |
friend constexpr bool operator==( const /*inner_iterator*/& x, std::default_sentinel_t ); |
(2) | (since C++20) |
auto [pcur, pend] = ranges::subrange{x.i_.parent_->pattern_}; auto end = ranges::end(x.i_.parent_->base_); if constexpr (/*tiny_range*/<Pattern>) { const auto& cur = x.i_./*cur*/(); if (cur == end) return true; if (pcur == pend) return x.incremented_; return *cur == *pcur; } else { auto cur = x.i_./*cur*/(); if (cur == end) return true; if (pcur == pend) return x.incremented_; do { if (*cur != *pcur) return false; if (++pcur == pend) return true; } while (++cur != end); return false; }
The !=
operator is synthesized from operator==
These functions are not visible to ordinary unqualified or qualified lookup, and can only be found by argument-dependent lookup when std::ranges::split_view::inner_iterator
is an associated class of the arguments.
friend constexpr decltype(auto) iter_move( const /*inner_iterator*/& i ) noexcept(noexcept(ranges::iter_move(i.i_./*cur*/()))); |
(since C++20) | |
Equivalent to return ranges::iter_move(i.i_./*cur*/());.
This function is not visible to ordinary unqualified or qualified lookup, and can only be found by argument-dependent lookup when std::ranges::split_view::inner_iterator
is an associated class of the arguments.
friend constexpr void iter_swap( const /*inner_iterator*/& x, const /*inner_iterator*/& y ) |
(since C++20) | |
Equivalent to ranges::iter_swap(x.i_./*cur*/(), y.i_./*cur*/()).
This function is not visible to ordinary unqualified or qualified lookup, and can only be found by argument-dependent lookup when std::ranges::split_view::inner_iterator
is an associated class of the arguments.
Defect reports
The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published C++ standards.
DR | Applied to | Behavior as published | Correct behavior |
LWG 3591 | C++20 | the && overload of base might invalidate outer iterators
constraints added |
LWG 3593 | C++20 | the const& overload of base returns a reference but might not be noexcept
made noexcept |